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Vietnam List of Banned Chemicals(Decree No. 113/2017/ND-CP annex3)
Items: 32
Last update: Oct 09, 2017

Substance in the List of Banned chemicals in Vietnam are considered highly hazardous and their uses are prohibited in any supply chain in Vietnam except under special circumstances. The List is regulated under the Law on Chemicals (Order No.06/2007/QH12), which came into effect on July 1, 2008.

► For chemical substances that are included in the List , according to Law on Chemicals, except for special circumstances such as scientific research, national defense and security, or epidemic prevention and control, no organization or individual is allowed to produce, trade, transport, store, or use these substances. The production, import, and use of banned chemical substances require permit from the Prime Minister.

► Chemical substances not included in the List of Banned Chemicals are not subject to corresponding obligations.


Regulations and standards

► Law on Chemicals


Regulatory authorities

► Ministry of Industry and Trade in Vietnam


How to obtain the list?

  1. Click here to search for the latest inventory
  2. Contact CIRS Group to purchase the latest version (in Excel)

If you have any questions, please contact us at chemicals@cirs-group.com.

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