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List of Highly Toxic Chemicals in China
Last update: Feb 27, 2015

According to the announcement released by ten departments including the State Administration of Work Safety (No. 5, 2015), the Catalog of Hazardous Chemicals(2002) and the List of Highly Toxic Chemicals(2002) were abolished and merged into the Catalog of Hazardous Chemicals(2015). According to the new version of the catalogue, a total of 148 highly toxic chemical items were screened out. Compared with the old version of 335 highly toxic chemicals, 195 were cancelled, 140 were retained, and 8 were added.

Highly toxic chemicals are defined as chemicals with severe acute toxicity, including synthetic chemicals and their mixtures and natural toxins, as well as chemicals with acute toxicity that can easily cause public safety hazards. The boundary of severe acute toxicity is determined by whether the substance has acute toxicity class 1 in the hazard category, that is, one of the following conditions is met:

 Rat experiment, oral LD50≤5mg/kg, percutaneous LD50≤50mg/kg, inhalation (4h) LC50≤100ml/m3 (gas) or 0.5mg/L (vapor) or 0.05mg/L (dust, mist). The experimental data of percutaneous LD50 can also be used in rabbit experiments. For substances belonging to highly toxic chemicals, according to the actual supply chain involved links, the application for highly toxic chemicals purchase license, highly toxic chemicals road transport pass and other relevant documents.


Regulations and standards

► Work Safety Law of the People's Republic of China (NPC legislation)
► Regulations on the Safety Administration of Hazardous Chemicals (Order No. 591 of the State Council)


Regulatory authorities

► Ministry of Emergency Management, PRC
► Chemical Registration Center of the Ministry of Emergency Management
► Division I of Hazardous Chemicals Safety Supervision and Administration
► Division II of Hazardous Chemicals Safety Supervision and Administration
► Emergency Command Center


How to obtain the list?

  1. Click here to search for the latest inventory
  2. Contact CIRS Group to purchase the latest excel format.


Our services

  • Consulting and training services on China new chemical substances
  • Customized solutions on compliance of new chemical substances in China
  • Enquiry of new chemical substances in China
  • New chemical registration (record, simplified registration, regular registration)
  • Laboratory consignment and coordination
  • Evaluation on alternative methods (QSAR, Read-Across, WOE)
  • Compilation of risk assessment report on new chemical substances
  • Notifications for supplementing substances in IECSC
  • Agents for notification and registration certificate management

If you have any questions, please contact us at chemicals@cirs-group.com.

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