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Q:How to purchase precursor chemicals?
Date:Jan 09, 2025

Approval Authorities

1. The purchase of non-medicinal Class I precursor chemicals is approved by the Provincial  Public Security Department.

2. The purchase of non-medicinal Class II and III precursor chemicals is approved by the public security organs at or above the county level where the buyer is located.

Procurement Process

1. The purchaser selects a supplier with the qualification to sell precursor chemicals and signs a Purchase and Sale Contract with them.

2. Prepare the necessary documents and apply for a purchase filing certificate for precursor chemicals at the local public security bureau or through an online platform.

3. Once the purchase filing certificate for precursor chemicals is approved, provide it to the salesperson and entrust the seller to handle the transportation filing certificate for these chemicals.

4. After the transportation filing certificate for precursor chemicals is approved, the seller can arrange for the delivery.

Note: Individuals are not allowed to purchase Class I precursor chemicals and Class II precursor chemicals.



Regulation on the administration of precursor chemicals (2018 Revision)


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