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Food additive and GRAS regulations (21 CFR Parts 170-186)
No data
USA-Inventory of Food Contact Substances Listed in 21 CFR
The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates food contact substances under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act). These substances include any material that may come into direct or indirect contact with food, such as packaging materials, containers, coatings, additives, and other auxiliary ingredients. 21 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations, Federal Regulations) is the official record of these regulations, which details the recognized food contact substances and their conditions of use. FDA authorizes food contact substances through identification, intended use, and conditions of use. The U.S. Food Contact Materials List compiled under 21 CFR Part 173, 175-178, 179.45, 180.22, 181, and 186 includes the names of food contact substances (or combinations of substances such as polymers and resins), certain intended uses, and conditions of use as set forth in 21 CFR.
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